Retrouver une liste de ressources utiles pour encadrer vos discussions et expliquer la diversité sexuelle et de genre en classe
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Vous trouverez aussi sur cette page, plusieurs idées d'activités à faire en classe avec vos élèves ainsi que plusieurs documentations intéressantes à partager.

Activity guide
ONLY IN FRENCH (English version coming soon).
Our guide aims to help school staff create a more inclusive climate and organize activities as part of May 17, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
You will find activities, resources and explanations on the importance of your participation.
By organizing activities for May 17 (and the rest of the year), you show your LGBTQ+ students that they have a place in your class and their non-LGBTQ+ classmates that homophobia and transphobia do not will not be tolerated in your
establishment. Moreover, by creating a more inclusive climate throughout the year, you will allow all your students to feel accepted and respected and thus improve their academic results.
According to a study carried out in 2010 in Quebec (Chamberland) among high school students, 86.5% of respondents say they often or occasionally hear negative remarks or discrediting sexual diversity ("it's gay », « it’s fake »…).
17 ideas for May 17
Organize kiosks with information material.
Put up posters of the annual campaign against homophobia and transphobia; make documentation available to students.
Request a resolution to protect, in public schools, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or students who are perceived as such Ex: clause against homophobia and transphobia in the school regulations.
Launch a campaign or petition for the respect of trans people in the school. Ex: respect the names and pronouns of students, parents and teachers; access for students to toilets and spaces for changing that respect their gender identity, etc.
Organize a flag raising with the rainbow flag or with the trans flag.
Organize a thematic conference.
Set up a fundraiser.
Do an artistic or manual activity around the rainbow flag or the trans flag.
Request an exemption so that students can wear, on May 17, a sweater in one of the colors of the rainbow flag, symbol of LGBTQ + communities, namely: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and mauve.
Invite a class speaker.
Suggest to students to make a presentation related to LGBTQ + themes (LGBTQ + authors, LGBTQ + rights advancement in history, LGBTQ + situation in the world, debate on LGBTQ + rights, etc.).
Suggest to students to make a personal commitment against homophobia and transphobia by signing a petition.
Encourage students to invite their same-sex partner to the end of year ball and to present themselves in an outfit that matches their gender identity and expression.
Organize a discussion around themes addressing LGBTQ + issues (book, film, work of art, song, etc.).
Read an LGBTQ + book in class (children's book, poem, extract from a novel, etc.).
Highlight books dealing with bullying of LGBTQ + people in the school library. If there is none, this is an opportunity to get it.
Show a video or a film extract that addresses LGBTQ + issues.
Fall in the eye
What if the art characters could speak? Inspired by our educational video produced in collaboration with the Museum of Fine Arts, this activity gives voice to imaginary couples. The monologues, inspired by testimonies of young LGBTQ + people make artistic works engages discussing, and young people at the same time.
Des idées de nos partenaires communautaires
After an activity aimed at making students aware that the roles that girls and boys are given are not "natural", work around the album Elise Gravel's Tu peut, leads them to free themselves from shackles of gender stereotypes.
The proposed activity aims to introduce children to the journey of Sam, a fictional character created to illustrate what a journey of gender questioning and transition in a child might look like.
This activity consists of painting images of diversity on a school wall. This will make the school aware of what the term “diversity” implies (gender, sex, sexual orientation, culture, etc.).
After watching the CRAZY film, ask the students to complete the questions individually in the student notebook and then start the discussion.
This activity is based on texts from Models sought: Activities to demystify homosexuality and bisexuality in the classroom, (available for sale from GRIS) to help students create an awareness leaflet
Companies that do not offer a welcoming workplace for LGBT people will, in many cases, lose their workforce without knowing the reasons. In addition, an open workplace will be an incentive to join a business. Here are some ideas of things you can do for May 17 in your workplace:
Ask for a training session for HR, team leaders and employees to make your workplace more inclusive of LGBTQ+
Donate or sponsor an organization that fights against homophobia and transphobia.
Send to the employees a note from the director of the establishment committing against homophobia and transphobia on May 17th.
Pass a resolution proposed to the members of the board of directors in order to register homophobia as a form of unacceptable discrimination in the establishment (between employees and towards users).
Order or download the guide Integrating trans people into the workplace
Order then put stickers "Allied establishment" or "No to homophobia no to transphobia" in the window / at the door of their office / at the counters.
Add a clause on the fight against homophobia and transphobia in the code of ethics.
Organize awareness activities in the workplace.
Rent an exhibition from Fondation Emergence to put in a common space in the weeks surrounding May 17.
Order posters or leaflets of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia and make them available to employees and / or clients

If you have children
As parents, it is important that your children know that you love them, regardless of their orientation, gender identity or gender expression. You can also set a good example by teaching them to celebrate diversity rather than mocking it.
Inform your children that, from now on, the words dyke, fag, tranny, and any other contemptuous expression towards LGBT people will no longer be tolerated at home and that they will have to banish these expressions from their vocabulary for the sake of respect for LGBT people and their loved ones.
Tell them (or remind them) that the love you have for them will always be the same, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Read / make available to them a book containing LGBT characters ( See resources )
Watch an LGBT themed film with your family
Encourage your children's school to participate in the international day against homophobia and transphobia.
In person
Make a personal commitment not to tolerate and to denounce homophobic or transphobic acts around you.
Solicit media and municipal participation
Buy or borrow an LGBT book or film
Donate to an LGBT organization
Examples of planned activities
Rosemont College
Pride week
In fact it will be the whole week of May 6, 2019 where several themes representing the LGQBT + reality will be presented, guest speakers, information kiosks and the half-masting of the Pride flag in front of the College. All this to show that Collège Rosemont is inclusive for its student population and also for its employees.
House of Culture of Human Diversities
Conference: how to cure homophobia
The House of Culture of Human Diversity joins several LGBTIQ organizations in Côte d'Ivoire to celebrate the international day against homophobia. On the menu there will be conferences and films under the theme "how to cure homophobia". Testimonies will be heard from people who will tell their story of how to come to accept an LGBT person around them. We want to demonstrate that being LGBTIQ is not a disease, homophobia can be and can be cured.
Europole International School City
Love is love: love has no borders
Week of fight against homophobia led by the pupils elected to the Council of High School Life. Organization of events within the establishment and conferences (SOS HOMOPHOBIE, LE REFUGE, Intervention of a lawyer, ...)
LGBT Youth Book:
List of LGBT books for children:
LGBTQ + Library of Montreal:
Report a homophobic act:
Model letter for a request to raise the rainbow flag to its municipal or district council and for a motion to proclaim the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (Word)
Model motion to proclaim International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (Word)